Everyone always says “consistency is key”, but they never fill you in on how to be consistent. When you’re working a full time job, dealing with family priorities, and trying to find the energy for your creativity, consistency can feel like an impossible task. That’s why we’re here - to fill you in on what the “consistency secret” is and how you can channel it when selling your beats online.
Develop a Music-Making Habit
Finding consistency when making music starts with forming positive habits. Even just dedicating 20 minutes a day to make music adds up and can put you in a regular flow state. One easy and free way to track your tasks and complete goals is through the Streaks app. Streaks is a to-do list mobile app that helps you develop and form good habits. Every day you complete a task, your streak is extended. Your can also add a handy timer to your Streaks tasks so you can track how much time you're dedicating to each action.
Don't Worry About the Outcome
Finding consistency every day can be hard if you're feeling like the work you're making isn't good enough. These kinds of feelings and thoughts quickly lead to creative burnout and make it easy to push your time for music to another day. When you sit down to make music, stop worrying about the final result. Sometimes just making music for fun is enough, and can often lead to your best work. Stop with the self-comparison, take a deep breath, and know that whatever you make is enough. If you're making music everyday, you're improving everyday, and are one step closer to producing a viral hit.

Set Micro-Goals
Setting goals big or small can have a huge impact on your motivation and ability to mark those aspirations as “done”. When you sit down to start making beats, ask yourself what you’d like to learn or take away from your session. It can be as simple as researching samples to use or as big as completing and uploading a beat to BeatStars. Writing down these goals before each session can increase your level of productivity and give you clear direction in what you need to achieve towards your larger goals.
Try to Collaborate More
When you have another producer or artist relying on you, it’s easy to find the time and motivation to work on your music. Feeding off the energy of other creatives is basically a healthier alternative to Red Bull. There are millions of producers and artists on BeatStars that are ready to collaborate and make gold with you - all you have to do is reach out your hand. BeatStars’ official Discord channel is a great networking tool and prides itself on fostering a positive and community-centric environment. You can also reach out to other musicians within the channel to see what they like to do to remain consistent in their music-making.
Don’t Be Afraid to Put a Beat to Rest
Music fatigue is very real, and listening to a beat over and over and over again will contribute to that real fast. If you’ve been stuck on a beat or song that you can’t seem to finish, then consider coming back to it in a few weeks and starting fresh. You may just not be in the right headspace for that particular song, and that’s okay! Better to move on and work on something else then to remain stuck for days or even weeks at a time.
Get Inspired
Seek inspiration in everything you do in life. If you have free time on your break, put on a music podcast to listen to some inspirational gems. If you’re going on down a mindless YouTube black hole, take a step back and search what other producers are uploading to the platform. Watch a movie. Draw. Go on a walk. Take a trip. Talk to your best friend. Do anything and everything that gives your brain a healthy reset so you can find the inspiration you need to make great music. You got this.